The story
of my logo

The first time I saw this image it took my breath away. The three moon phases, also referred to as the triple goddess, represents three phases of a woman's life. The 9 twinkles, each intricately placed and sized are symbols of my children. Then there are the two connected women, one supporting the other.

Three moon phases, waxing, full and waning representing the maiden, the mother and the crone. 

Those little twinkles in the sky, are the light in my darkness. My imprint on this lifetime. The two brightest stars are for my oldest boys. The ones who carry their love on the outside and all other members of our family look to for strength. Then there are 6 more for the lights that follow our brightest stars.  Then the one twinkle in the center is the one who came along and connected to my heart in her very own special way.

Those two women embody the essence of my role as your doula. I will massage, I will whisper, and I will remind you to hydrate but most importantly, I am here I’m here to connect with your soul, your energy source and remind you that all the power you need is already stored in your heart. 

“Even in birth, a badass may need a reminder to straighten her crown.”

— Michele

My Story

At the age of 13, I witnessed my first birth. It was a home birth and there were so many questions. This was not something I grew up exposed to.

The more I learned the more in awe I felt. Peeking from the doorway, I saw the midwife prepare the bed and gather her tools. I saw my aunt moving about the house in order to encourage her body’s natural  progress.

I’ve given birth to 4 babies myself. All hospital births with less than 20 hours of  labor combined. In my last pregnancy, I was blessed with a divine doula who encouraged my education and the exploration of our shared passion. 

That baby I saw was my cousin, Harry. Harry is no longer with us, lost suddenly as a result of domestic violence. His coming into this world was a life-defining, unforgettable, passion awakening experience.

His leaving this lifetime too soon is a reminder of the easily overlooked need for self-love. Every minute counts, make this one your best.

If you want to work with me and you are age 20 and under, please ask about reduced fees.

Michele Lawson

DONA Certified Birth Doula
Check me out on DoulaMatch